Origami Paper Drop Earrings by Caitlin
Origami Washi Paper Crane Earrings by Caitlin
Original Oil on Canvas “ Finishing Touch” by Deb
Osm#1 Small Oval
Oval sterling silver er
Painted Rock With Green Trees and blue sky by Cecelia.
Painted Rooster Rocks by Cecelia (one per purchase)
Painted Wood Scenery Pictures by Cecelia (choice of one per purchase)
Painting “Bison” by Laurel
Painting “Circle Garden” Collage by Laurel
Painting “Mew” Cats by Laurel
Painting “Plaid Cat Under Tree” by Laurel
Painting “Psychedelic Flowers” by Laurel
Painting “Water Lillies” by Laurel
Paper Gift Certificate if no Printer at home
Parent Child Necklace by Jen G.
Patchouli zum clean wool dryer balls with aroma blend
Patriotic Walker Bag by Carol
Paw Print/Baseball Theme Key Chain by Rana
Paw Prints Pillholder